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Move over, little blue pill, we ladies now have our own version of  – the little pink pill.  For decades, we’ve been inundated (sometimes, even comically) with commercials and information about male sexual function and sexual health.  While this is all well and good, very little attention was paid to the female counterpart to sexual well-being and the fact that women sometimes need a little help too.  Whether it’s simply a low sex drive, experienced by roughly 33% of women, or something that manifests physically like painful intercourse, affecting a whopping 75% of women during their lifetime, female sexual dysfunction is an issue that is finally getting the attention it deserves.


So what does this little pink pill (referred to as “female viagra” and called Flibanserin) do?  Because a woman’s libido relies on a complexity of factors such as emotional, environmental, and physical health, the drug is thought to be beneficial because it alters dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain.  In studies, the female participants reported an increase in the number of sexually satisfying events each month, which is a promising statistic. Flibanserin was approved by the FDA in August 2015 and will be available to patients in October 2015. Dr. Brady would be happy to review whether it is a viable option for you.  It is important, as with any medication to weigh the benefits against potential side effects and alternative treatments. Specifically, it is important to avoid alcoholic beverages if a patient chooses to take Flibanserin.


Little Pink Pill | Female Viagra For Sale

Little Pink Pill | Female Viagra For Sale


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