Buy Coca Leaves
You can comfortably order coca leaves here, using bitcoins or any other cryptocurrency of your choice, we got a direct source from where our supply is done, we sell in bulk and at affordable prices, you can easily buy this product using Bitcoins and get your delivery directly to the address or residential mailbox. Coke leaves were used by South America natives for special occasions and religious events for a long time. Coca folder is an intermediate product in cocaine cocaine chemical extraction. The abusers smoke dry coca paste, which contains 40 to 91% cocaine. In the last 10 years, this pattern of drug abuse has reached epidemic proportions in some Latin American countries, particularly in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru.
The smoke of the coca paste causes four distinct successive phases: euphoria, dysphoria, hallucinosis and paranoid psychosis. It can produce severe poisoning, prolonged or recurrent psychosis.
Coke leaves are leaves we use to manufacture the product we usually call cocaine powder or coca paste. Coke leaves related to global society have changed forever when cocaine, the coca primary alkaloid responsible for the invigorating effects of the leaf was isolated by the German chemist Albert Niemann in 1860 (buying coca leaves online). Thus, the world had at its disposal suddenly and without preparation, a highly potent stimulant in concentrated form. A real blackout of cocaine -fortified products has gained prominence in Europe and the United States. Among the most popular of them was Vin Tonique Mariani, patented in the 1860s by a chemist named Angelo Mariani of the Mediterranean Island in Corsa. Ulysses S. Grant consumed Vin Tonique Mariani in milk daily near the end of his life. President William McKinley was an enthusiastic user of Vin Tonique Mariani, as was inventor Thomas Edison. Writers Jules Verne and H.G.Wells also turned to Elixir for inspiration.
How to chew/consume leaves
You moe powder and then bronze them in their nose! Well, of course not. Although many people make error, the secular tradition of chewing coca leaves has absolutely nothing to do with cocaine. In their natural form, coca leaves provide nothing more than a light, coffee -like stimulant. The manufacture of tea leaves is popular among all levels of Bolivian society, but among the working class, and especially for those whose work is physically demanding, Coke is usually chewed.
Once you have a good amount of leaves dodged the cheek, you need to activate the alkaloids inside them to feel any effect. Some people use bicarbonate powder, but a more pleasant option is Lejía: a combination of sweet taste and flavor. A small pinch every fifteen minutes or more, and the light stimulating effects of coca can last hours.
Instructions for the use of coca leaves powder
Use 1 to 2 g, 3 times a day or 1 dose in the morning.
It can be consumed with milk, juice, yogurt, honey and mixed with stews and in the preparation of various vegetarian dishes.
CAUTION: Keep the container tightly closed and store it in a fresh and dry place protected from light.
Side effects and against -indications
We have not found any against -Indication, however, the coca leaf powder should be consumed rationally, as recommended.
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